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His Crazy Maid(Married to an Old billionaire, in love with his son )

His Crazy Maid(Married to an Old billionaire, in love with his son )



His Crazy Maid(Married to an Old billionaire, in love with his son ) PDF Free Download


"Be my maid for a month."the words slipped out of his mouth smoothly. Annie's worst nightmare. Being someone's maid. ★★ Annie John was just an helpless lady that hawks some fruits jn the street. This was to fend for both herself and her mother. Her mom was diagnosed of a diseases and she was told to bring $100,000,000. The doctor seems not to give a damn about where she will get it from. After Annie's pleas,he felt pity towards her and told her to be his maid,so as to pay off her debts. Will Annie accept her worst nightmare?
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Chapter 1


"Out of the way, please,out of the way. Nurse!!..."She yelled as she ran after the man that carried her mother inside the hospital.

The nurses quickly brought the stretcher and the man placed her mother on it and the nurses took over from him as they wheeled her inside the ward.

"What happened to her?."a nurse asked as they got inside.

"She..she suddenly collapsed. Please,help me,treat her."she sobbed.

"Hey,go get doctor Sam."the nurse said to the other and she ran out.

The nurse placed her both hands over each other and over her mother's chest and started pressing her chest trying to resuscitate her.

"Oh, me."she sobbed.

"Take her outta here."the nurse said to the man who has helped in carrying her mother to the hospital and he nodded.

He walked towards her and grabbed her hand but she yanked it away from it.

"Leave me,you expect me to leave my mom in this position?,no way!."

The man sighed and grabbed her hand again that she couldn't get out of his grasp despite several wriggles.

He took her outside.

The supposed doctor Sam ran in and asked the nurse about the situation.

Annie John sobbed quietly from the window.

It hurts.

It hurt so much to see her mother like that,in that condition.

It has always been like this.

A nurse barged out and she stopped her.

"Please,how is she?."Annie asked worriedly.

"We are still on the resuscitating."she replied and turned to walk away but Annie grabbed her hand.

"Is she responding?,huh?._

The nurse sighed.

"I need to get doctor Larry. You can speak with him when he comes."the nurse replied and dashed off.

Doctor Larry?.

"Who is doctor Larry?"she wanted to ask but the nurse was out of sight.

She took a step forward contemplating on following her but her inner mind rejected the idea.

She slid to the wall and ran her hands inside her hair and screamed.

Immediately,the light all went off and a soft dirge sounded inside the room also.


Different lights - red, blue,green, pink, purple and white which comes up once in a while rotated in the club.

Larry carried another glass of brandy and gulped it down in a Go.

He watched his friends as they danced and drank with the girls and rolled his eyes.

Just then, his phone started ringing on the table in front of him.

He grabbed it and seeing the number,he scoffed and drop the call.

He wants an alone and quite time this evening but it all seems to be interrupted with different calls.

He has barely placed the phone on the table when it started ringing again.

He grunted.

One of his friends smiled at him.

"From work, right?."he asked and Larry nodded with an eye roll.

"Duty calls, doctor Larry,duty calls."he said and faced the girl with him.

He decided to pick up the calls.

"Hello?,hey!,hello????"the nurse shouted over the phone.

The music is so loud that her voice sounded barely like a whisper.

"We need you at the hospital,I repeat,we need you at the hospital!!!."

He cuts the call.

Damn Sam. He thought.

He stood up,took his car keys and pulled through the crowd.

"Hey,not even a goodbye?."one of his friends yelled after him.

Larry shook his head and slipped through the exit of the club.

The light flicker on and off as Larry walked through the lobby with some other nurses.

He adjusted his coat and grunted.

"I thought I put Sam in charge so why do I have to be disturbed yet again."he said.

The light flickered back on but,it soon went off.

"And what the hell did the electrical is doing up there."he added with a light scoff.

They entered the ward, passing by Annie who had her face buried in her legs.

Sam looked back at Larry and heaved a sigh.

"Thank God you're here."he mumbled.

"I don't know you're this incompetent, Sam. Anyways, what's wrong with her?."Larry asked as he moved closer to Annie's mother.

"You should stop being rude, Larry."Sam sighed.

He was tired of his childish attitude.

"I already run a test on her and according to it,she has appendix."he explained.

"Oh,well then. Go prepare for a surgery."Larry stated.

"Where's her guardian?."he asked the nurse.

"She's outside. She's the one we passed by minutes ago."she replied.

"I will talk to her. Start preparing for the surgery."he directed and stepped out.

He saw Annie, her face still buried in her legs.

"Hey, little miss."Larry called in a whisper.

She jerked and slowly raised her face up.

She stood up immediately.

"Doctor,how is my..."

"Follow me."Larry said and started walking away and without hesitation, she followed him.

They got to an office and he brought out a key and inserted it inside the keyhole.

The door opened and he pushed it in and walked away to his desk and Annie also entered.

"Please,tell me, doctor, what's...."

"The door please."Larry said instead while pointing to the door.

Annie stared at it then sighed getting what he's trying to say.

She walked to it and close it.

"Good,now,do have your seat please."he said and gestured for her to sit down.

She nodded and sat down.

"What type of relation did you share with the woman."he asked as he pulled off his coat and hung it around his chair before sitting down.

"I'm her daughter. Tell me, what's wrong?."she asked.

"Did you know she is diagnosed with a disease called appendix?."he asked and she nodded.


"And you didn't get it treated?."he scoffed.

"We...we didn't have the money they required us to get for her surgery."she explained.

"And I believe you've got the money. She's currently in the critical and final stage now and the stage is quite difficult. We would need to operate on her soon,the lastest time is in the next two hours or else,we will lose her."he further explained.

Annie's eyes dropped down.

"Wh...wha... what?... please... please sir..I.. I..."she stuttered.

Larry went through some files and slide a particular one to her.

"Here,we would need your signature before we can commence on the surgery."he said.

Annie took the file and studied the content in it.

Her eyes widened in shock.

"#100 million dollar$. Where the hell do you want me to get that?."she shouted.

Larry gazed at her gently.

"Little miss,you have to get the money in the next 30 minutes and I don't really care about where you're going to get it. It's either you get it or you let your mother to die. The next thirty minutes will determine that tho."